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Wilson has the balls to extend NBL deal

The NBL and Wilson have struck a deal which will see Wilson supply the league and various retailers with sacks of balls right until the 2018.


The NBL Official Game Ball, which was notoriously hard to find for many ball-handlers, will be available through Rebel Sports to, umm, fill your bag with.


And for those looking for different types of balls, Wilson has you covered. There will be various team balls, replica balls, everything bar hairy, sweaty balls, available at retailers such as Big W and Sportspower.


The biggest take-away from the announcement for fans will be the availability of the balls. With balls coming in many shapes, sizes and prices, even ladies can find a pair of balls to suit them.


The NBL balls should be available soon at good sports stores near you.

Jarrad Hurley (79 Posts)

Jarrad Hurley's professional basketball aspirations led him to the dizzying heights of the Adelaide social league circuit. After an epiphany that his hoop dreams would go unrealised, he put the ball down and picked up a pen. Jarrad lives vicariously through the successes of Australian basketball, is a mad 36ers fanatic, and might just cry if the Boomers ever medal.

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