The NBL certainly talked up a big game before the season.
Larry Kestelman said things to the effect of “We will not be doing anything, with anything less than total professionalism.”
Indeed, the fans and players have been wrapped up in such talk, believing Kestleman to be the prophesied ‘White Knight’ of Australian Basketball.
But right now, I am not so convinced.
I am not so convinced that the NBL team recognise what their product is.
The product of the NBL is the TV product – plain and simple.
If the TV product they are selling is not up-to-par, then all the promotion in the world wont take the league anywhere.
You can install 100 sign posts to go see a mouldy, old shoe. But who is going to go see a mouldy, old shoe?
If you deduct the action of the games, and the skill of the players (which, believe me, is world-class); you are left with an uninspired presentation.
Sure, they take you into the locker room at half time; but please tell me that isn’t the full extent of their ingenuity?
The NBL has a stockpile of highlights from last round, and until thirty years in the past, why has there been no use of these in the presentation?
Why no interesting detour during play breaks? (The only one I have seen is when we saw Ebi Ere in the altitude mask)
Why can’t we get a working scoreboard, game and shot clock on screen?
Why haven’t I even seen the marvellous new NBL commercial on TV at all yet?
And where, exactly, is this “player-centric” promotion campaign?
Sure, we have seen some billboards – full marks on that – but I have not seen or heard a thing about the 36er’s in Adelaide.
Has everyone been congratulating each other a little too soon?
We have a new logo, a new TV deal, a league which is talking optimistically – for this I am grateful.
Hey, there was almost no league a few months ago.
But this is starting to look like little more than a fresh coat of paint on an old, run-down house.
Promotion is paramount, and the fact that the NBL is cognizant of this is commendable, however the product should always come first.
While the NBL is paying for (apparently) half of the production costs, they should be able to ask for a bit more care to be put in to the production. Simple things like:
- Highlights from prior games before the games
- Studio interviews and insightful content during breaks
- A working score and game clock would be nice, wouldn’t it?
- A TV commercial that actually is shown, like, on TV or something?
- An inventive way to incorporate the partners/sponsors rather than just littering the hardwood with them.
I am just spit-balling here.
I am sure someone with media experience could expand exponentially on this list.
What I think the NBL needs to show now, is a little bit of substance.
Okay, Larry, we all took your invite to the “Greatest Party Ever”, and we turn up and you’re selling watered down cordial and mini pies and pasties?
The TV product (and I reiterate, the TV product IS the product) is unchanged from the Channel Ten days.
Sure, it is in HD, so I could see the actual score board reflection glisten from Steven Markovic’s forehead while the FOX graphics team struggled to display it, but still, I shouldn’t have to strain my eyes like that.
Perhaps the NBL will announce an official optometry partner?
They need to look at getting an official graphics partner too…
An official highlights partner?
An official “Don’t forget Twitter is not your product!” partner?
And like when a new Prime Minister is sworn in (So in Australia, almost yearly) the polls are always good for a short time, but people want to see substance at some point.
An improved TV presentation would be substance.
The NBL’s TV deals are great, but now is the time to make a show worth watching.