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Mat “Soup” Campbell Tribute Podcast

Mat Campbell announced his retirement during the week and fellow bloggers, have put together a tribute podcast celebrating an amazing career. This Podcast is 100% Mat talking to a bunch of people about their favorite Soup moment. jumped on board to share our best wishes and Mat Campbell memory.

The podcast finishes with the full retirement press conference.

People that shared their moment in the podcast are: Brent Petrie, Andrew Taafe, Joel Armstrong, Brendan Edmistone,  Dominique Cooks, Aussie Hoopla & A Stern Warning.

Head over there to have a listen


Dan Boyce (827 Posts)

Dan Boyce is a die-hard Sydney Kings fan who grew up in Melbourne during the roaring 90's of Australian Basketball and spent far too much time collecting Futera NBL Basketball cards.

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